Single Tube Core Barrel
Regular Double Tube Core Barrel
Wireline triple tube Barrel
Wireline drill tools can lift drill core from drill rods without picking up bits.All the tools include principal parts of the drill tools,overshotassembly ,drill rods.holding dog,circle wrench and etc
Wireline Horizontal Hole Drilling Tools
Wireline Core Drilling Tool
These core barrels and overshots are available in B, N, H, and P sizes for both double and triple tube systems. They come in two standard lengths of 1.5m/5.0ft and 3.0m/10.0ft. Each set includes a hea
Overshot is dropped into the drill string to retrieve the inner tube assembly with full core samples through cable and hoist plug.
Core barrel
A core barrel is used to collect core samples, which guarantee the core samples not drop out of the inside of the core barrel when lifted. There are standard AQ, BQ, NQ, HQ, PQ etc sizes of double tub